Saturday, September 25, 2010

"Back To Business"

Been a while...

I created this blog to chronicle changing my diet and got way off, though blogging about the furr kidz is always fun! Now back to business.

About a week ago my stomach rebelled on me: intestinal episodes and head spins! The episode was not as bad as it sometimes can be but as usual came from out of nowhere, unexpected.

I have in the past had food problems during allergy season, usually Spring is BAD! A few years ago the pollen was so bad that all my safe foods became toxic to my body. I am feeling like that so it is time to get serious and get back to the Meryl Diet.

The Meryl Diet was "created" about 15 years ago, for some reason I always think 10. I was having major stomach problems and due to sinus infections was regularly on antibiotics from September/October through March. From my reading and the boyfriend at the time, I learned a lot about candida overgrowth. With my "overuse" of antibiotics I knew this was a main part of the problem.

What did I do? I deleted all breads, pasta, sugar and fruit from my diet. It is kinda a cross between Atkins, South Beach, Mediterranean and other "diets". The only carbs I ate were homemade oatmeal with apples flavored with honey and cinnamon, everything else was vegetables, chicken and turkey. My vegetables include carrots and sweet potatoes.

So after a few days of "episodes" I started off drinking some water then added coconut milk for the protein, vitamins and to get filled up. Yesterday I added my homemade iced caffe mocha and a hot soy caffe mocha from Starbucks and still OK. Last night: cole slaw, turkey and a little roast beef!

So this will clear out my system and help me to lose those last pounds I need too. My goal is when I am all better and back to the weight I want to be at, if I feel wheat/gluten is a problem part time or not, to keep it to a minimum and find delicious replacements for it. I want to save my wheat/gluten allowance to the occasional to die for chocolate dessert and some Molsons and maybe pizza if I can't come up with a viable substitute for the crust.

Take care, peace, love meryl xo

1 comment:

  1. M talking - sounds like you know what to do. I have colitis and it can be a real problem sometimes. I found stress plays a large part too. But, it's hard not to have stress when you live in today's environment. Keep up the good work.
