Friday, October 1, 2010

"Two Weeks In"

Update: My stomach seems to be behaving. It's been just about two weeks since eating any wheat.

Tried the Blue Diamond Vanilla Almond Milk today, it was so sweet! and the only version my Stop and Shop has. They do have Silk's Almond Milk so I got the unsweetened (unflavored I assume) and the chocolate version. Silk's label states it has 45% of daily requirement of calcium per glass, so that is an an extra bonus! I'll finish up the super sweet almond milk in my homemade caffe mochas and I am sure that Maverick will help out as well; he tried the Coconut milk and liked it a lot!

I took a look at rice cakes and they had milk products in them and I was not looking at the cheese flavor. I don't understand that but so be it. I did pick up some sweet potato chips so I can crunch something besides dill pickles and apples. I wonder how sweet potato chips taste with peanut butter on them?

I wanted to try almond butter but it was so expensive! Almost three times the price of natural peanut butter! I picked up a jar of cashew butter to try; same price as the peanut butter. Cashew butter has less of some nutrients but around the same fat and calories. I just wanted to be able to have another choice.

Another surprise to me? Chicken broth has wheat in it: WTF? Don't understand why it is needed to thicken chicken broth but so be it. I will have to make my own next time I buy chicken. It is getting to be soup season!

So I am feeling good, very tired/sleeping a lot but I am sure that is adjusting to less toxins/sugar/wheat in my diet. I do remember that from last time but it was worse since I ate more processed foods back then. Maybe another few days to a week I expect to get to not wanting to sleep until noon each day. Hope so, since I am hoping to have a shift in Pennsylvania on alternating Saturdays, I need to be awake for that!

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