Saturday, May 7, 2011
"Family Unties aka To Text or Not To Text..."
I only stay on Facebook to keep up with my classmates (i.e. job contacts) and out of state relatives and friends. Seems with some people it is the only way they can "keep in touch": unfortunately with most of my family and friends I feel I am always the one chasing them to make plans, etc.
I understand my future BIL being excited and wanting to announce to the whole Facebook world my sister accepted his proposal, I don't understand (and never will!) why family did not get a phone call first... well as far as I can tell the only direct family member who did not get a pre-announcement call (or in person announcement) was me. And yes, it still hurts!
My sister and I (I have two) have always been at odds with each other all our lives; I blame my parent's for having us share a bedroom (though there were two available rooms at the time) most of our lives, which added fuel to the fire to start and keep our sibling rivalry alive. I guess that is why a few friends thought I was angry because she was engaged? WTF?
If you think/thought that, you don't have a clue about me, THAT is for sure! I can't be happier that after becoming a widow six or so years ago, that my sister was able to find another great guy to fall in love with who truly loves her and makes her extremely happy. I love both my brothers in law and my niece too!
The point is text is not appropriate! I had to go to the ER last week to get stitches and I certainly did not text my family about it!
I thank God I have my BFF and he was around to make me smile and laugh through all those tears: HE is the best, thanks K!
Technology is great and I love being able to send a quick text update or "I'm running late" to someone but text is not meant for everything. Common sense should tell all that BUT I also know there are too many stupid people out there, one who is probably texting a non-text type message right now while they are driving...
The lesson to be learned is be cognizant of the feelings of others and with big, important news, do not text it to your closest loved ones. You don't want them to be as hurt as I am. Not that she even has a clue, but I have forgiven her...after a long week. She did call me that afternoon to talk but I am sure when she called and told mom that day how the news of the engagement was spread that mom convinced her to call me... it is just the next button next to "Send Message" on the contacts list after all...
Hopefully, no one else will have to go through this type of pain but, I know I'll get it some other way: I always do! (No, I am not paranoid, unfortunately too experienced in such things...) So much for me treating others as I would like to be treated. I will not change my ways, I will continue to treat others as I would treat myself, but I may be using the delete button more.
Things like this make me realize more and more how I have grown apart and am so different from my family... very, very sad: for them!
Love, hugs, peace... Meryl xoxo
Monday, March 7, 2011
"Illegal Music - Part 2"
I spoke to the VP of Operations today. I told her that I understood her point of view that she feels headphones are unprofessional looking and wondered if headphones could be allowed if we were not having any special visitors, i.e. it is not a dress up day (we wear casual business attire there, suit up for special occasions and visitors).
Unknown to me, this was an issue covered in February's monthly staff meeting which was held on a day I was not working. Someone put the idea of banning headphones into the suggestion box! Off with their head I say! The VP also told me they were written up in the minutes... minutes? Someone is keeping minutes at these things? Seems the woman who takes the minutes does not use the group set up in the mail system to send the minutes to all employees; I am now a part of that list.
I wish I would not have missed that meeting because I would have had a few constructive things to say!
Can you believe someone put the "no headphone rule" in the suggestion box, WTF? It seems certain people thought others using headphones were using them on their phones or other devices for "illegal" during business hour purposes. The people in my area record the minutes of the Board meetings and use the headphones so they can type out the minutes. Listening to the minutes and transferring them to paper is a difficult process that I am lucky enough not to have to do. Most the meetings the Board members all call in, mostly on cell phones, so that makes it more difficult to hear what was said, and to type out the minutes. I am sure when someone is transcribing minutes, they are concentrating so hard they do not hear a phone ring, do not hear someone call out their name.
Due to this "suggestion" a new rule was added to the employee handbook: headphone use is not permitted during business hours however, you can listen to a radio low.
My "neighborhood" at the office needs silence (at least one person does). I am sure a radio, regardless of tastes in music, will go over real well. If the wifi was working, I could play music on my iPod without my headphones like I do when I am there late and by myself, but I know that won't work; I can not win!
I get super bored with how slow my computer is, the silence is deafening and whispering distracts me more than normal conversation. I keep my music on low enough so that I can hear everyone around me. I answer to my name as I am taking off the headphones and answer the phone the same way. I was talking enthusiastically to a client on the phone one day and I ended up with my silence needing neighbor knocking on my desk, asking me to cut the call short. She was a tad rude but she was trying to transcribe board minutes and apologized for her approach later; it was a business call after all.
A group at the other end of the office play an iPod through speakers but no one in that area seems to mind and unfortunately, I have to stay at the desk I am at.
I don't want others who are lucky enough to have neighbors that appreciate a little background music to lose their privileges but I feel I am losing out because of one person, I believe it is only the one person, who needs absolute silence. She has been on vacation this week and I have noticed more talking going on, the volume on the talking a tad louder than usual.
I need my music, I don't know how to get it. What do I need to go on music breaks instead of smoking breaks? That won't cut it for me. Doesn't seem right for me to be penalized when I do my job, do it well and frankly, when I am enjoying my tunes I feel I get more done. The music keeps me awake, alert and happy.
Though I know the rule won't be changed, I have a meeting with my supervisor and am going to mention, in a business like way, how I can not have access to music without headphones. I am sure nothing will change, but at least I will have said my peace. Like with one of their other unbelievably stupid office policies that will someday bite them in the butt for sure. They'll be bitten not from or by me, but by their policy that breaks a cardinal rule and why does it break a rule? For convenience. Hmmm, I seem to remember a question on one of their applications that convenience is not a reason to break a different rule: interesting!
Well, I am an IT person and health care provider. I learned to keep business secrets long, long ago whatever they may involve to myself, but damn, I can't listen to music: that is sacrilegious!
Peace, love, health, hugs and hopefully access to music for you, meryl xoxoxo
Friday, March 4, 2011
"Illegal Music"
I want to be able to listen to music while I work at the office and found out yesterday my headphones (actually they are ear pods) are illegal as well! I have been working at this office two years in June.
I do my work, I answer my phone, I can hear others call my name without them shouting or disrupting others and take them off when someone is talking to me or I am on the phone, what is the problem? People with private offices play music over their computer speakers. I am in a sea of cubicles!
I got scolded for talking with a customer a decibel too loud, I’d be shot if I tried to listen to music through my PC THOUGH the “scolder” (a manager) plays CDs on her PC with and without headphones and that is ok… and through her iPhone as well; I have an iPod.
Wonder if I can get in paid music breaks like the smokers do? I personally cannot live without music; it relaxes me, helps me to focus and entertains me. For me, this is a much bigger more important issue since the office prefers silence and whispering, which drives me mad! (I am not the only one who feels this way.) I find whispering much more distracting than a little background noise or conversation. If I need a little quiet, I put on my music or take an unpaid break to clear my head.
I have come up with a compromise I am going to bring up to the VP of Operations; she is the one who disapproves of headphones. And no, it will not be I use ear pods and others use headphones OR I have an iPod and others are using iPhones and maybe texting illegally as well… It’s a viable solution, just don’t know if she will allow it or not.
If you don’t try you can’t fail… or succeed either!
I was also recently told all cell phones are supposed to be inside the desk. I have mine out, on silent, not even on vibrate, God forbid my father has an emergency and also I used to have another part time job. I treated each one equally as far as cell phone and email receipt, reading and response. I am a professional after all! Oh yes and an adult too!
Peace, love, hugs, health, music... meryl xoxo
"Breast Feeding Laws: Federal and State"
Thursday, March 3, 2011
"Smoke Breaks and Nursing Mom Breaks Not Treated the Same?!"
This issue actually has me appalled!
Let me start off with I am a former smoker (it reeks havoc on my sinuses, allergies and migraines) and I have no children.
This is not a bash on smokers; this is not a bash on moms (I wish I had kids). We have at least four pregnant women at the office now and at least three smokers. Our company had its monthly meeting and mentioned some additions to the employee handbook.
Women who want to nurse their babies for the first year, which means the whole breast pump thing, storing the milk, etc., have to be provided with accommodations to do so. Fine, I think that is the right thing to do, arrange a private place where they can do this end of subject, right? The moms have to make arrangements to take unpaid time to do this. I am told this can be done during a "normal" 15 minute break. (At a previous job my supervisor would do this two times a day, 30 minutes per session. I do not remember if she was using her lunch hour for this or not, it was ten years ago.)
I was led to believe the smokers in the office were punching in and out when they went out for a smoking break but this is not the case. I do not know if anyone abuses the paid smoking breaks or not.
To me, as long as if does not keep me from doing my job, or overly delaying getting my job done, I could care less what others are doing. I take care of myself.
We get an hour lunch break and are allowed to take a reasonable "coffee break" or two to go downstairs to get food, a little fresh air or just stretch our legs. Our office is very warm most days so the extra trips to the restroom are very welcome to get fresh air and to stretch a bit.
When I used to smoke (in high school and college) during a "work/school" day I would smoke at least 6-8 cigarettes let's say 5 minutes each break making 30-40 minutes per day.
According to this law (they say it is law, I have to look it up) if a woman wants to pump breast milk, she has to take unpaid time. Is it just me or does anyone else see a discrepancy? There is a law about time for being a mom but none over smoking breaks? Male dominated government? Tobacco industry lobbying? Other reason(s)? I am no politician but it does not compute for me. (I have to look into the specifics of this law...)
To me, if you are taking extra breaks whatever the reason, they should all be treated equally as unpaid time, should be considered part of your lunch break, or you should put in extra time to make up for the extra break(s).
My posts tend to stir up some controversy, which is great actually. I am interested in what others feel about this issue and to reiterate, I am not picking on the smokers or the moms who want to nurse. I am picking on how the law/company is treating extra break time. I know life is not fair but…
I got it! This is how unemployment gets “solved”, all the mom’s who want to nurse their children quit their jobs!
Peace, love, hugs, meryl xoxoxo
Saturday, February 19, 2011
"Perfect Song"
The piano is eerie, mesmerizing, grabs hold of me... then the words! "One day soon I'll hold you like the sun holds the moon"...
I put it up there with Foo Fighters - "Everlong" with how it gets me, gets into my heart and doesn't let go. My guy who is the subject /one singing these to me will be here...
Civil Twilight - "Letters From The Sky"
One of these days the sky's gonna break, And everything will escape, and I'll know
One of these days the mountains are gonna fall Into the sea, and they'll know
That you and I were made for this, I was made to taste your kiss, We were made to never fall away... Never fall away
One of these days letters are gonna fall From the sky telling us all to go free. But until that day I'll find a way to let everybody know, That you're coming back, you're coming back for me. 'Cause even though you left me here, I have nothing left to fear. These are only walls that hold me here, Hold me here, hold me here
One day soon I'll hold you like the sun holds the moon, And we will hear those planes overhead. And we won't have to be scared, We won't have to be, we won't have to be scared. You're coming back for me, You're coming back for me, You're coming back to me.
Hoping you all have or will soon find your everlong sun that will hold you like the moon.
"Birthday Dinner Recap"
I stopped at their neighbor's house first since the lady is 92, always remembers my birthday and I hadn't had a chance to return her call. I thought an in person thank you would be appreciated and it really made her night. One of my sisters hadn't arrived yet so it was perfect timing.
I could tell by the look on my 14 year old niece that something was going on when I walked in the door with how happy she was to see me. She and I get along great, it was her expression and later comments that told me my father was "being himself".
Next year I will probably just treat myself to dinner on my own or if I have someone special to share it with, still owe that to myself. I think my attempts at the "tradition" of the family dinner which my father started as his treat to his daughters and wife is, at least for my birthday, a thing of the past. I can not deal with the stupid stress, it boils my blood! The niece is right: dad is old, what do you expect? out of the mouths of babes...
All the dad's out there. Do not belittle your children or treat them like they are your employee. Encourage them to be and do their best.
Should be interesting when I let the parent's in on one of my job's going away, I'll be back to being treated like I'm five, not trying, etc. etc. When I was finally able to get more set hours dad told me he was happy my "attitude" changed... WTF? Does dad really think I have control over the economy? Over people having job openings, calling me for the interview and hiring me? If I did, I would fly directly to Washington and help Obama or whomever was in office fix it. Of the few jobs I find every so often I am one of 300+ applicants. I am usually at the top of the pile but unless you are in that top ten or so, you don't get the call for the appointment. Everyone thinks medicine (and education) are "safe" fields to be in, that is where all the jobs are but no field is safe in this economy or people would be knocking down my door with my PET/CT, Nuclear Medicine, Radiography (x-ray) and computer experience.
Not sure where the PET/CT job is going, all kinds of rumors flying about but I do know I can get at least 4 days out of my office job. That is only 4 extra set hours but 28 hours much better than zero and they are looking for more places to use my expertise to help expedite their processes and increase bring their business back as well.
To think I was ending my blog with a happy note with my "Perfect Song" post... Maybe I can move the order of the posts while I listen to "Letters from the Sky" again.
Thank you for all your comments on my birthday dinner post. Family is whom we are supposed to be able to count on but not for stupid stress for love and support... and for them to know when they are belittling you, treating you like dirt, and to stop it. The latter is lost by my father for sure. "I don't mean it like that". I know he loves me, but he really doesn't get it at all!
Peace, love, hugs, meryl xoxo
PS: The posts that do funky things with the fonts start in Word and don't "transport" like they should: Grrrr!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
"Stupid Bizarre People: They are downgrading!
Ah yes, more stupid people!
Worked out the conflict with the RN who prompted the original definitions. My now ex-coworker did some wrong things. I think since she had to be inspected with the Geiger counter for radiation on her, which made her vent her anger towards me though I was taking care of another patient at the time…
I needed her help getting an IV started on a patient last time I was there. I told her I did not understand why my ex-coworker did not have her leave the room when he injected the radioactivity, she is not a radiology nurse, does not have the training, does not have the monitoring badges and most important, was exposed to radiation when it was not necessary. She is not required to know this HE IS! It’s common sense, but I seem to remember rules and regulations on this, but to me it’s just common sense: do not expose anyone to radiation unless it is medically necessary: case closed!
My main problem with her is she disrespected me, yelled at me in front of patients and others whom she did not know who they were. In every field but especially medicine, you don’t do that. Now granted if you see a medical professional about to inject a patient with the wrong medicine, for example, you stop it, of course, but you don’t go yelling and screaming. Not with injections, but I had similar cases when I was in school when I would see something that seemed wrong. I would quietly point it out to the technologist and mention oh, I’ve never seen it done that way, point to the screen, motion to something, etc, the error would be seen and corrected: no harm, no foul. It’s really how everyone should treat everyone in his or her jobs, and life in general. Rules, regulations, and procedures do change and can be done differently, but respect and courtesy, always! And if you chew out a colleague in front of the patient, patients may kinda freak out, not a good thing!
Today’s incident was hysterical, never thought I would keep acquiring more stupid people stories (one more stupid than the next), and why I am still talking about it. This happened at my Friday client’s office. I work on a trailer so I have to walk into and out of the building to get me patients, drop off supplies, and use the rest room, makes sense, right? The trailer is parked outside of the MRI area; it is a low people traffic area and perfect, right?
Understandably, they keep the door locked until I knock on it sometime after I arrive. My injections are delivered inside the building, I need to check in with the front desk, get my patient list and the book I need to record my QC results in so the client can keep an on-site record; the trailer is mobile after all. So I go in a few times, the MRI tech who sits right there tells me the wind keeps blowing the door open so he is going to keep it locked. I hadn’t noticed the wind, but what do I know, I am just a dumb kid, right?
Maybe 20 minutes later, I had to go back inside the building to get doses for my expected patients, the door was locked so I knocked 3 times, soft to medium, like always; it is a glass door after all. He opens the door so fast it made my head spin then starts to read me the riot act on being patient, huh? Tells me I had been banging long and hard on the door, he was trying to inject a patient. I get my what the fuck look on my face, told him I knocked 3 times only, light to medium. He tells me no, I was banging the door down, 10 minutes I think the alleged time was. I told him I don’t lie. First time I knocked when I arrived was 3-5 times (it’s not like I keep track of such mundane things) I did not bang door down then or now: I don’t lie, I knocked 3 times. During this tirade, he is almost screaming all this at the top of his lungs, telling me I’m a liar, check with the ladies up front THEY will tell me that I was the banging on the door so hard and long the building was shaking and everyone heard it. What the fuck? This is fuckin bizarre! Is he on drugs? Maybe he NEEDS drugs! He definitely needs a brain scan! Oh and human lessons!
I went to the front desk with my what the fuck look on; the whole place had to hear him ranting, raving and wondering whom he was yelling at! First I ask the ladies if I can smash his head into the wall. I was totally serious! Why not? His brain is obviously not functioning! They knew something was up! I tell them Sir MRI says I was breaking the door down. They shook their heads, went back and told him it was the radiologist that they let into the building, not me.
So Sir MRI “knew” it was me? Huh? He did not see shit, just assumed it had to be me. What a fucking dick! Now how about laying that irate tirade on the lady radiologist? SHE was the impatient one, she was breaking "his" door down.
He did apologize to me immediately. I did write an email to my superiors and his as well. They all know and respect me. I deserve to be treated with respect, the same respect I treat all others (even the undeserving like him).
I do not deserve to be treated like a little shit. I’m sure he thinks I am a young kid and that he has a right to degrade and belittle me. Anyone who knows me knows I am a patient person and give people the benefit of the doubt. There is many the time when he has locked the door, not answered with my short knocks, I cursed, then ran around to the front because I needed the bathroom bad. It was Friday, he assumed it was me and anyone who has seen that Odd Couple episode knows about the word “ass|u|me” only HE was the ass, not me.
To me the incident was so stupid I was in shock that I was hearing such stupidity, that he ranted on and on about it, and how I was lying. Stupid things like this make my blood boil!
He did eat some shoe polish but he is so arrogant and full of himself, you know except for upsetting his little world for a while it made no impact. I wish the radiologist had gone over to him and told him it was her. That might have belittled him for a moment…and been funny to watch!
Peace, love, hugs, Meryl
PS: Happy Anti Valentines Day! It was my birthday February 7, a much more important holiday being the start of the Chocolate New Year! And I am still a kid... at heart at least! :) ALWAYS!!!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
"It Snows In January, Duh!"
My co-worker... he has a Nissan Murano SUV with AWD. Our snowstorm was Wednesday into Thursday, I've been able to get to work in my FWD 9 year old Toyota and he couldn't get to our job on Friday.
Ha ha ha! His new name is wimp! Yes, I am enjoying this too much! I do have to say it was easier to work without him. One less person on the trailer and I didn't have to waste my time double-checking his work. What am I supposed to just do it all when he is there? To think he has been doing PET/CT exams years more than I. Each time we work together, I see more and more why the guy who trained me said I picked up things so fast. I am far from perfect but I pick things up fast... especially the easy stuff.
Peace, love, hugs and more big weekly snow storms! ;) meryl
PS: We all know February is the bigger snow month, right?
"Happy Birthday to Me?"
My birthday is February 7. Family tradition is to have a family dinner for birthdays; my dad’s present to the person of honor. You get to choose the place, then we work out the date. Sounds fun, simple... not in my family, or at least for me.
I do my best to pick a place that has at least two dishes that each person can choose from. My mom and one sister have dairy issues (so do I for that matter) Dad is… you can never please him. I pick places where he can get the dishes he always orders, always make sure they are on the menu. (I don’t eat seafood. Others pick seafood only places, hmm!) I try to pick a place located closer to all of them since there is only one of me. I feel I go more than out of my way to please, to accommodate them. Wait, this is for my birthday? Why don't I get the same treatment?
Scheduling is the only part that should be difficult. It’s accounting season so we usually celebrate end of February or in March, fine; sis and her hubby are CPAs, can’t be avoided, I get that. The other sis takes a lot of vacations. When I work Fridays I always get stuck late so that is my only bad night right now.
Now it is my birthday, I am supposed to pick the place *I* want to go to, end of story, that is the “rule”, it is what everyone else gets to do.
In the past I picked a steak place for my annual delicious steak; I eat very little red meat and when I do, I want it to be good. It's one of the few places dad would eat everything on the menu! Has chicken, steak, lamb, veal... This place has great fries, other sides and chocolate mousse pudding: complaints from family it’s too expensive, too far away. A) Steak places are expensive. We are being served huge pieces of very good meat and huge side dish servings. B) Restaurant is closer to me but by all main highways. At most a 40 minute trip for the furthest person.
After a work luncheon, I chose a nice Italian place closer to them. They have more than a few non-cheese dishes and my dad’s standard only things he will order Italian plus seafood dishes he likes. I order the same chicken dish, it is so delish, and the red potatoes with it are great, cooked perfect every time. The desserts, most made in house, are sooo good! Love their tiramisu. Don’t know if it is traditional or not but it tastes great and I get that great rum/espresso buzz from it, sis loves the cannolis. They have a few really great chocolate desserts as well (I hope to introduce K to). Sis and I went there for lunch one time and ordered two desserts: one to eat there and one to bring home! After going there two times for my birthday and for numerous other celebrations and luncheons, sis told me she always gets ill after eating there. I was surprised since I am the one with the sensitive stomach. So we don’t go there anymore, a totally reasonable request; I have no problem with that, disappointed but no problem.
Two birthdays ago, I re-found a Japanese restaurant I love that we used to frequent at one of my jobs; they have great food, something for everyone, dad’s standard sukiyaki, and the best ginger salad dressing ever! Everyone loves the food. The place is a bit of a trip for me, but so worth the ginger salad. Last year all I hear is complaints about the parking. They have a small lot but lots of parking on the street.
It’s the stupid stress. It’s boils my blood. Something that is supposed to be my celebration, my evening, something to put a smile on my face and be fun turns into the worst evening ever.
I have had my fill, more than my fill, I am sick of it. Why do I have to deal with complaints when I do my best to accommodate everyone else? Why is it OK for dad and one sister to pick a seafood place when they know I do not eat seafood but a place I pick with great food that everyone likes is taboo? They do not get why it angers and frustrates me so. Guess I should pick Tavern on the Green: far away and expensive and that would be ok? I guess I have always been too nice, too accommodating and they expect me to give in to everything. No more, well not exactly.
This year giving it one more shot. I now know after my conversation with mom, it will be the last family dinner for my birthday. I will just take myself to my Japanese or another place, and celebrate with Madison and Maverick and one day to celebrate mine and K’s birthday, when he is up to it.
My Email to my Sisters and their significant others:
“Since it's always such a, I don’t know controversy, hard time... whatever you want to call it, to have my family birthday dinner at the restaurant of my choice, I am giving 1 more shot at pleasing everyone.
Please excuse my sarcasm, losing my PET/CT job (happy birthday to me) at end of February has me angry & frustrated; love that job!
I have decided 2 try cold cuts & Fireside/Zorn’s chicken & fries at the rents (not relaxing but...) You all arrange the date thru mom with your vacations, accounting plans, etc. My bad night would be the Fridays I work: 2/11 & 2/25 since I always get stuck there. If I'm lucky I'll get the other Fridays *fingers crossed*
PS: not telling the ‘rents bout the job thing yet. I cannot handle the stress. Have a few things in the works but cannot deal with dad's degradation. Then telling me I had a great "attitude change" when the permanent hours finally came thru WTF?!
Kim bought us lunch 4 getting 2 the office today; <>
J feel better & don’t work too hard & ask Kim about her gift from us.
M don't work too hard.
K & K another warm vacation I'm sure, where's my ticket? ; ) Enjoy! E too if she's going.
Been up since 4, need 2 be up at 5:30 I think. Warm, sweet dreams :) meryl
...via iPod touch”
One Sister replies:
“Sorry to hear about the job. Fingers crossed that something opens up very soon.
We are free Friday, Feb. 11th, Sat. Feb. 12th, Sunday, and Feb. 13th, Sunday, Feb. 20th. Let us know what you land on.”
Other sister replies:
“Mom and I were discussing days. Sat and Sun nights are good for us. Karen’s weekends below work for me. Mom will follow up when she decides what day she wants. She was talking about the same weekends.”
What is that I have highlighted in red? Yes, it is MY birthday! True I did tell them to work out the scheduling on their own but that line shows what I have known for some time, it isn’t my birthday after all. So I really can stay 25 like K says :)
Of course, ultimately it is all my fault... I try!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
"Life Definitions"
Note: a stupid person has NOTHING to do with "book smart", has to do with respect, common sense, listening, and (maybe more important than listening) hearing.
Definition: smart person - a) person who uses their brain, thinks, listens, hears, uses common sense. They treat others as they would like to be treated; b) person who knows there’s something to be learned from everyone, good & bad; c) person who enjoys learning something new everyday from anyone.
Note: a smart person will not belittle you, degrade you, talk down to you or treat you like a child. They will treat you with respect, they will not force their views onto you. If they disagree with you they will not tell you how to think, they will discuss it rationally, not have a heated discussion, listen to and respect your ideas, even understand your point of view, which may change their view, maybe not. Any discussion will be intelligent and respectful always.
I do not discuss politics or religion with most people. Too many tempers flare, too many people think their way is the only way, or they are trying to save you; think the middle ages and the Crusades? We are all human beings sharing the same planet, continent, country…town. We should all treat each other and our individual ideas and beliefs with courtesy, smiles, and manners common sense, duh?
If you encounter a stupid person who degrades, belittles and/or treats you like a piece of shit, concentrate on that issue and that issue alone, NOT what they told you was wrong. No matter what “issue” instigated them into mistreating you, they are looking for something to supplement their superiority complex, do not help them “get taller”. Be proud by giving yourself the satisfaction that you took the high road, treated them with respect, and did the right thing. These people do not respect themselves. If they did, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
I believe I am too nice. Been thinking a lot lately that I should try to be more of a bitch, maybe that is why this week happened, to show me I am doing the right thing? I respect people, give them half a brain to start off with; may need to downgrade to one third after this week. When people push me too far, such as a sales person not understanding after FOUR TIMES no I do not want to buy anything, no I do not need to buy anything, no meant NO the first time I said it, THEN they experience my wraith, tactful but... I’ve been told after story number one below, I am not a person to be messed with… OK.
When I first finished college I worked at a major company as a computer programmer/analyst/technical specialist/network supervisor and I ran the email system. During a service call, a male engineering technician told a stupid joke which made me turn my eyes, give him my “what the fuck” are you serious look, and see all the other engineers leer at this technician; Engineering had 100% male employees in it. Wish I could remember his first name. Let’s call him Dave for the story.
The more I thought about this, the more it bothered me. I knew if I went to my VP Victor and told him about Dave’s “joke”, Victor would rip out Dave’s eye socket (both of them) and probably give him a free sex change operation. I dealt with the Engineering VP Joe on a regular basis, so I decided to speak to Joe directly. I kept it very professional, adult... (remember I am a kid!)
I called Joe and asked if I could stop by to talk about something privately. Joe apologized, thanked me for coming to him (I didn’t tell him about the Victor part) and told me he would take care of the situation. Later that day “joke” teller Dave, stopped by my desk to apologize. Dave sounded very genuine, polite, and respectful; I accepted his apology. Then Dave proceeded to explain to me why I should have liked the joke… THAT is an example of a stupid person.
I went back to Joe, told him Dave gave me a heart felt apology, Joe smiled. Then I told Joe that Dave then proceeded to tell me why I should have gotten and/or enjoyed the joke, smile disappeared, he started to turn pale.
One more story when I was at same company, same job… My room was in the basement of my parent’s house and it was my birthday. Walking down to my room I had a fresh cup of hot tea in one hand and the phone in the other talking to a friend, wishing me a happy birthday. The stupid carpet pieces my dad put onto the steps, second to last step came loose when I stepped on it, tea and phone went flying. Because of my height, my butt bounced down at least half the staircase, bouncing on each step, my tea spilled all over everything! The phone and mug made it to the basement floor shortly followed by me. VERY PAINFUL!!!
I was considered an executive (first job out of college!!!) hence I was required to wear a suit everyday. I was in so much pain, I wore very appropriate looking black leggings, blouse, black jacket and comfortable, flat, black leather booties; I looked very professional and I could walk around for the most part. As soon as I got to the office, I told my supervisor and Victor what had happened and they both told me to do what I had to do to take care of myself, heal and feel better. As long as my bosses are happy, that is all that matters. So glad they understood but I knew they would (smart people).
Later that day leaving the ladies room one of the managers, Joann, who was part of our group, caught a glimpse of me. Joann called me over to where she was chatting with another co-worker. Joann: “why are you wearing *looks me up and down then with sarcasm* pants?”. I stopped, looked Joann straight in the eye, totally deadpan: “I fell down stairs last night”. Her mouth fell to the ground, she did not even ask if I was OK... I went back to my desk, and almost fell off my chair laughing. I enjoyed THAT too much BUT I did not treat her with any disrespect, she attempted to belittle and degrade me with her self appointed superiority, ready to throw the book at me, get me in trouble, and she ended up tripping herself up.
The lessons I have learned from dealing with stupid, disrespectful, self-righteous people. Just throw the facts right back at them respectfully, do not stoop to their level. If it is yesterday’s issue, deal with the disrespect only. You can never win but you can keep your dignity and your own self-respect and isn’t that what is most important, knowing YOU handled the situation correctly with dignity and respect?
Take care, peace, hugs, love Meryl (and hopefully no stupid people :)