Ah yes, more stupid people!
Worked out the conflict with the RN who prompted the original definitions. My now ex-coworker did some wrong things. I think since she had to be inspected with the Geiger counter for radiation on her, which made her vent her anger towards me though I was taking care of another patient at the time…
I needed her help getting an IV started on a patient last time I was there. I told her I did not understand why my ex-coworker did not have her leave the room when he injected the radioactivity, she is not a radiology nurse, does not have the training, does not have the monitoring badges and most important, was exposed to radiation when it was not necessary. She is not required to know this HE IS! It’s common sense, but I seem to remember rules and regulations on this, but to me it’s just common sense: do not expose anyone to radiation unless it is medically necessary: case closed!
My main problem with her is she disrespected me, yelled at me in front of patients and others whom she did not know who they were. In every field but especially medicine, you don’t do that. Now granted if you see a medical professional about to inject a patient with the wrong medicine, for example, you stop it, of course, but you don’t go yelling and screaming. Not with injections, but I had similar cases when I was in school when I would see something that seemed wrong. I would quietly point it out to the technologist and mention oh, I’ve never seen it done that way, point to the screen, motion to something, etc, the error would be seen and corrected: no harm, no foul. It’s really how everyone should treat everyone in his or her jobs, and life in general. Rules, regulations, and procedures do change and can be done differently, but respect and courtesy, always! And if you chew out a colleague in front of the patient, patients may kinda freak out, not a good thing!
Today’s incident was hysterical, never thought I would keep acquiring more stupid people stories (one more stupid than the next), and why I am still talking about it. This happened at my Friday client’s office. I work on a trailer so I have to walk into and out of the building to get me patients, drop off supplies, and use the rest room, makes sense, right? The trailer is parked outside of the MRI area; it is a low people traffic area and perfect, right?
Understandably, they keep the door locked until I knock on it sometime after I arrive. My injections are delivered inside the building, I need to check in with the front desk, get my patient list and the book I need to record my QC results in so the client can keep an on-site record; the trailer is mobile after all. So I go in a few times, the MRI tech who sits right there tells me the wind keeps blowing the door open so he is going to keep it locked. I hadn’t noticed the wind, but what do I know, I am just a dumb kid, right?
Maybe 20 minutes later, I had to go back inside the building to get doses for my expected patients, the door was locked so I knocked 3 times, soft to medium, like always; it is a glass door after all. He opens the door so fast it made my head spin then starts to read me the riot act on being patient, huh? Tells me I had been banging long and hard on the door, he was trying to inject a patient. I get my what the fuck look on my face, told him I knocked 3 times only, light to medium. He tells me no, I was banging the door down, 10 minutes I think the alleged time was. I told him I don’t lie. First time I knocked when I arrived was 3-5 times (it’s not like I keep track of such mundane things) I did not bang door down then or now: I don’t lie, I knocked 3 times. During this tirade, he is almost screaming all this at the top of his lungs, telling me I’m a liar, check with the ladies up front THEY will tell me that I was the banging on the door so hard and long the building was shaking and everyone heard it. What the fuck? This is fuckin bizarre! Is he on drugs? Maybe he NEEDS drugs! He definitely needs a brain scan! Oh and human lessons!
I went to the front desk with my what the fuck look on; the whole place had to hear him ranting, raving and wondering whom he was yelling at! First I ask the ladies if I can smash his head into the wall. I was totally serious! Why not? His brain is obviously not functioning! They knew something was up! I tell them Sir MRI says I was breaking the door down. They shook their heads, went back and told him it was the radiologist that they let into the building, not me.
So Sir MRI “knew” it was me? Huh? He did not see shit, just assumed it had to be me. What a fucking dick! Now how about laying that irate tirade on the lady radiologist? SHE was the impatient one, she was breaking "his" door down.
He did apologize to me immediately. I did write an email to my superiors and his as well. They all know and respect me. I deserve to be treated with respect, the same respect I treat all others (even the undeserving like him).
I do not deserve to be treated like a little shit. I’m sure he thinks I am a young kid and that he has a right to degrade and belittle me. Anyone who knows me knows I am a patient person and give people the benefit of the doubt. There is many the time when he has locked the door, not answered with my short knocks, I cursed, then ran around to the front because I needed the bathroom bad. It was Friday, he assumed it was me and anyone who has seen that Odd Couple episode knows about the word “ass|u|me” only HE was the ass, not me.
To me the incident was so stupid I was in shock that I was hearing such stupidity, that he ranted on and on about it, and how I was lying. Stupid things like this make my blood boil!
He did eat some shoe polish but he is so arrogant and full of himself, you know except for upsetting his little world for a while it made no impact. I wish the radiologist had gone over to him and told him it was her. That might have belittled him for a moment…and been funny to watch!
Peace, love, hugs, Meryl
PS: Happy Anti Valentines Day! It was my birthday February 7, a much more important holiday being the start of the Chocolate New Year! And I am still a kid... at heart at least! :) ALWAYS!!!
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